Recently I have had a concern regarding friendships on social media, one of them is Facebook. I have thousands of friends, but yet don't know half of them. What the hell was I doing in the past? Why did I have so many strangers? Long story short, I decided to unfriend people ...
The first step is to unfriend deactivated accounts. The accounts which are not active have no profile picture. I have researched how to automatically unfriend deactivated accounts, however, there is no automatic way or shortcut to do it. Yes, I have to scroll down, one by one. Oh, dear! But from scrolling one by one, I have decreased almost a quarter of my friends on this step. Yeay!
Now, my friend list is no more than a thousand. The next unfriending step, decrease foreigners. Once again I wonder, what the hell did I do? There's a lot of Japanese here. Oh! I remember, it's the anime-thing, haha. I fell in love with several 2D characters at the time and joined clubs or communities which discussed anime, Japanese culture, and so on. Not only Japanese but there are also Germans. These people I reached due to Deutsch's lesson in senior high school. Ahoy, Ich bin glück! hehe.
The second step I took, unfriending the "lovey-dovey" username, or in Indonesian called "alay". When I was young, there was not a few who used these usernames, for example: "Jean Love John", "aQuwh Imoetz", etc. Generally, when growing up, this username will be changed, because of course this is embarrassing. Someone says this stage is the process of becoming an adult, from a baby - a kid - an alay - an adult. Well, I've never used this kind of username. Did I skip this stage? haha.
And the last thing, -not done yet- I will unfriend the people that I don't see in the real world. I hope this last step will leave accounts that are true friends. Aamiin.
Maybe you wonder, why did I concern about this tiring and useless thing? Well, I didn't have a specific reason. It's just... I realize that day by day my friends are getting lessen, because of the distance or each other's lives. So, why should I bother with a stranger's life? I want to know my friends' updates on social media, even though I can't keep in touch with them. If my friend list was full of strangers, how would I know my friends?
But honestly, it is not the real reason. I just feel... lonely at last. And visiting one by one account, sometimes makes me reminisce about the past. It's so warm, remember that we have a good memory, realizing that I still can stand now, alive.
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