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Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

My 28th: Priceless Gift from God


From this photo, you can understand what I want to tell you. This will be needed further checks because it is still in a very light line. So, I will reveal the full story at another time. 

Thank you.

My 27th: A House!


After years of my praying to God and trying to convince hubby, finally, God softened and reassured my hubby's heart. Eventually, we could do the house research and explore, for months! Well, there's a long way to go through. We found so many suitable houses for us, yet we just need one of them. 

This February, how grateful I am! We found the one that was really suitable and enchanted our hearts when we saw it. Ultimately, this February, we could have our own house! 

"The best present I have ever given for you, so far." said hubby. 

*I was melting*